So apparently I started this draft 2 days ago, and totally forgot. I was about to write a post with the same title, but low and behold, it already exists!

So I did rant a lot during the most recent yesterday, and this is kind of why…

If in life, we all have many loves, like you love your mom as much as you love food, and so on…I have many loves as well. And some interests may be things I want to pursue but I feel like I have to Sophie’s Choice it right now. If you don’t get the reference, I suggest you grab a box of tissues and watch the movie right now, if only just to understand my dilemma. Not that I’m seriously comparing it to the events of the film. That would be heartless and tacky and I’m rambling.

Ok, if I don’t make sense, here’s a quote from Never Been Kissed, when Drew Barrymore’s character is talking to her high school classmate, Josie. When Drew asks Josie about her hopes and dreams, she replies:

I want to be professor of medieval literature. I want to be a novelist. I want to be a weekend flautist. I want to be a potter. I want to be a painter. I want to be an architect and I want to go to Northwestern.

I feel like I’m still young enough to want to be and do so many things, but at an age where I have to make one decision…at least for now.

To make me feel better, rather than see life as a road, I’d like to think of life as a blossoming flower, unfolding its petals as time goes on. It’s cheesy and I got it from somewhere, said by someone, but if it’s going to be keep me sane for 5 more seconds…

And yes, I’m perfectly aware there are starving children and those without an education. I am able to see my problems with some perspective, people. But how will I be able to help them if I can’t figure out if I’m going to be a professor, flautist, or painter?!

Lissy Out

PS. I know I said I would write about the museum education program at UW (and I currently have an appointment with Bank Street in New York), but once I really read all the info I got, I will provide my input. Even if it is for just one interested person. You know who you are.

PPS. I’ll post more Seattle pictures. Not that I took that many, but hey.